DC Comics: Batman: Adventures of the DARK KNIGHT

ผู้เขียน: NONE

สำนักพิมพ์: DK

หมวดหมู่: หนังสือต่างประเทศ , หนังสือต่างประเทศ

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276.25 บาท

325.00 บาท ประหยัด 48.75 บาท (15.00 %)

จำนวนคะแนนที่ได้รับ 33 คะแนน

Batman is the sworn guardian of Gotham City. Under the light of the Bat-Signal,he fights crime in the city by night, striking fear in the hearts of evildoers.he protects the innorcent , giving them hope that justice will prevail. < แสดงน้อยลง Batman is the sworn guardian of Gotham City. Under the light of the Bat-Signal,he fights crime in the city by night, striking fear in the hearts of evildoers.he protects the innorcent , giving them hope that justice will prevail.
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  • โปรโมชั่น:Naiin.com Online Book Fair ลด 15%

Tags: English Books , children's literature , Children Books , หนังสือภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเด็ก , วรรณกรรมเด็ก , Super Heroes

276.25 บาท

325.00 บาท
325.00 บาท
ประหยัด 48.75 บาท (15.00 %)

จำนวนคะแนนที่ได้รับ 33 คะแนน

จำนวน :


96 หน้า
0 x 0 x 0 CM
0.281 KG

รายละเอียด : DC Comics: Batman: Adventures of the DARK KNIGHT

DC Comics: Batman: Adventures of the Dark Knight

Batman is the sworn guardian of Gotham City. Under the light of the Bat-Signal,he fights crime in the city by night, striking fear in the hearts of evildoers.he protects the innorcent , giving them hope that justice will prevail.

He doesn't possess superpowers, but he is highly intelligent and resourceful. He has been called the World's Greatest Detective because there is no villain he cannot track down , no crime he cannot solve, and no scheme so twisted that he cannot untangle. He has mastered several fighting styles and  made his body very strong, becomeing a formidable opponent for anyone who would dare to face him.

In his conatant crusade against crime, Batman has armed himself with the most advanced high-tech equipment , including the amazing rocket-powered car , the Batmobile.

He has also assembled and trained a team of allies, such as Robin and Batgirl.

Together,they  fight villains as different and deadly as the crime boss Penguin, the ecoterrorist Poison Ivy and , perhaps Batman's greatest foem, the insane Joker.

As the Dark kinght, he stands against any and allthreats to his city , and he always prevails in his battle against evil.

สารบัญ : DC Comics: Batman: Adventures of the DARK KNIGHT

    • Who is the Dark Knight ?
    • Becoming Batman
    • New flash!
    • Personality  and abilities 
    • armed and dangerous
    • Utility Belt
    • Beyond the Batmobile
    • Locations
    • Secrets of the Batcave
    • Inside the Madhouse

เนื้อหาปกหลัง : DC Comics: Batman: Adventures of the DARK KNIGHT

DC Comics: Batman: Adventures of the Dark Knight

Discover what makes Batman one of the workd 's mightiest heroes. Relive his exciting battles with Gotham City's atrangest and deadliest villains, and learn all about his greatest allies.


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